The title of this could also be “Get Rich Slowly.” Without the Hustle you aren’t going to get there quickly. You know that saying “Work Smarter not Harder”? Yeah, well if you want to get rich quick you’ve got to worker smarter and harder. I’ve seen it happen and it’s not easy. Some people do both, but it takes them years. For me I finally realized that I was never going to be a Millionaire under 30, maybe not even under 40. I realized I didn’t want it badly enough. I wasn’t hungry, I was comfortable. But I still have the desire to set my kids up for success. I realized this was possible without an extreme amount of hustle when I read the book “Richest man in Babylon’ which showed me I could enjoy my life and career and build my fortune on the side. I don’t have to hustle and grind or whatever to get to where I want to be. I just have to be consistent. Just live a bit below what I can afford and save the rest. Once I’ve saved enough to invest, then I invest. Then, and this part is a key par, REINVEST the money I make from my investment.
Let me explain why. If I am able to save $500 a month for 3 years in an account that yields just over 2% then I should have about $20k. This should get me started, if I’m willing to either A) Live in my investment, or B) invest in a market that I can buy a multi family for $100k or less. Since I am currently living in an investment I’ll play out option A. My rent in this market would normally be $1k and now I am able to save that completely because my property breaks even with me living in it. Now I can either increase my life style by $1k a month, or stay where I am and save the $1,500. Now I can reinvest in a year in scenario B from above. This gets you an extra $500 a month so I’m at $2k savings a month after just 4 years. I just keep investing like this and not making any changes(not recommended, you should diversify). In another 16 years(20 total) I’ll be making $8,500 a month or $102k a year. Plus I’m still living rent free. This is one scenario, but personally I plan to invest at a faster rate as more money comes in. That means I can start doubling the increase and then doubling that. Check out my plan to make $1 million a year by 50.